Public places

Anywhere a crowd gathers there is a risk for the spread of pathogens amongst the people on that space. ActivePure® Technology have been used in many places where you have no choice but to share the air and touch the same surfaces as strangers.

Office buildings

Everyone is familiar with the experience of having a coworker show up sick to work, to come down with an illness a few days later. ActivePure® Technology has been shown to reduce viral and bacterial loads and is used in office buildings around the world.


Even the nicest hotels still have multiple hotspots where pathogens from previous guests are not cleaned sufficiently by the housekeeping staff. ActivePure® Technology is used in hotels worldwide and has been shown to reduce levels of contaminants immediately and persistently.


Without its health, the military cannot achieve its objectives. ActivePure® Technology has been installed in military facilities to keep our enlisted men and women from illnesses that would reduce our ability to defend our country.


With large numbers of people moving in and out each day, and a rushed staff often not focused on deep cleaning between customers, restaurants can be a place where you are exposed to unknown pathogens brought in by other customers. ActivePure® Technology is used in many restaurants to keep patrons and staff healthy and reassured they are eating and working in a healthy space.

Parents and Caregivers

Delicate immune systems can be compromised by allergens, bacteria and viruses. ActivePure® Technology works in your home to bring a clean balance to air and surfaces.


At both collegiate and professional levels, staph infections can mean season ending illnesses.. And worse. ActivePure® Technology has been utilized in athletic facilities and shown to eradicate problematic pathogens.


Learning environments are one of the top places illnesses can spread- and high absentee rates can affect performance. ActivePure® Technology has been shown to significantly reduce viruses and sick days.

Where It's Used

  • Public places
  • Office Buildings
  • Schools
  • Hotels
  • Military facilities
  • Professional Sports and other athletic facilities
  • Restaurants
  • Assisted living facilities
  • Liberty Bell
  • Ground Zero Museum
  • Automobiles